Mumbai: Pahlaj Nihlani on Monday moved Bombay High Court against Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) for suggesting approximately 20 cuts in his upcoming production 'Rangeela Raja.' With 'Rangeela Raja', Nihalani is re-uniting with actor Govinda after a period of 25 years. They have earlier worked together in films like 'Ilzaam', 'Shola Aur Shabnam' and 'Aankhen'.
ALSO - Stepping down as CBFC chief without regret: Pahlaj Nihalani
Govinda's comeback film, 'Rangeela Raja' also stars Shakti Kapoor, Digangana Suryavanshi, Mishika Chourasia, and Anupama Agnihotri. It is scheduled to be released on November 16. (ANI)