New Delhi: The trailer for the most recent film directed by Christopher Nolan and starring Cillian Murphy has dropped. The anticipation for Christopher Nolan's 'Oppenheimer' has been building ever since he revealed its premise.

The two-minute trailer opens with a massive explosion and then cuts to cinematic cutscenes of the making of the atomic weapon with unsettling narration by Cillian Murphy.

You can watch the trailer here:

The character Oppenheimer is based on physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, who is best known for inventing the atomic bomb. Oppenheimer was the director of the Los Alamos Laboratory, where the bombs were actually put together. He was one of the main contributors to the Manhattan Project, a government research project focusing on developing nuclear weapons that ran from 1942 to 1946.

The biographical book 'American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer' by Kai Bird and the late Martin J. Sherwin, which was awarded the 2006 Pulitzer Prize, served as the inspiration for the movie.

The role of Oppenheimer, played by Cillian Murphy, is his first leading role in a Christopher Nolan production. Having previously starred in 'Inception', 'Batman Begins', 'The Dark Knight', 'The Dark Knight Rises', and 'Dunkirk', Murphy has been a mainstay in many of Nolan's movies.

'Oppenheimer' includes a stellar ensemble cast led by Cillian Murphy, as well as Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, Florence Pugh, Rami Malek, Kenneth Branagh, Gary Oldman, and Robert Downey Jr.