Working with Bollywood's Baadshah Shah Rukh Khan is on the wishlist of every actress of the tinsel town. The charming actor who can make any girl go week on their knees is currently prepping for his next movie with 'Tanu Weds Manu' famed filmmaker Anand L Rai.

SRK with director Anand L Rai

And for the movie the director approached talented Swara Bhaskar with whom he worked in 'Raanjhanaa' and the 'Tanu Weds Manu' series for an important role.

Swara Bhaskar for Maxim magazine shoot 2013

Swara Bhaskar to be seen in a never-seen-before avatar in ‘Anaarkali…’

According to various reports, Swara told the director that she loved SRK and had grown up obsessing over his films. However the 'Nil Batte Sanatta'actress made it clear that she wanted to romance the 51-year-old actor and wouldn't play his sister or daughter.

Versatile actress Swara Bhaskar showed her bold side by opting for a thigh high slit gown

But to her disappointment, the only role that Anand could offer her was that of Shah Rukh's mother in the film!

Best friend Sonam Kapoor says that Swara Bhaskar is not acknowledged much for her films!

Poor Swara! She had no other option but to turn down the offer, looks like the lady will have to wait more for a role opposite SRK.

On a professional from Swara Bhaskar is gearing up for the release of her next movie Anarkali Of Arrah.

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