A day ago, sources close to Kangana Ranaut had released a picture of her and Hrithik Roshan from a party held in 2010 at Arjun Rampal's house where the two are seen cosying up to each other in a corner. Now, another set of picture are released from the same party where we see also Sussanne Khan, Hrithik's ex wife with them and which raises a question on Kangana's intentions.
The first picture showed Hrithik and Kangana standing in one corner, with Hrithik hugging her from behind. However, if we look closely, there is another person in the picture standing beside Kangana. The new set of pictures are group pictures where Hrithik's ex wife Sussanne Khan can also be seen standing with them in other friends' presence.
While releasing the new pictures from the same party, source said.. "In her desperation to prove that she had "something" to do with Hrithik Roshan Kangna has done the unthinkable. She has used a distorted picture from a party to prove that point."
The source continued.. "In the same party Hrithik's ex wife Suzanne is there with whole lot of common friends. All of them are hugging each other and making a jovial group picture. A group picture has been zoomed on to give an impression that kangana was in a personal relationship with Hrithik."
WHOA! Sussanne issues a WARNING, brother Zayed PARTIES with Hrithik; All in a DAY amidst Kangana-Hrithik controversy!
The sources claim that Kangana distorted the image by zooming in and removing others present in that picture. The new pictures have their non-industry and industry friends including Sussanne Khan, Dino Morea, Abhishek Kapoor, Arjun Rampal and wife Mehr Jesia having fun together.
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Source also said.. "These pictures that are from the same night of December 2010 tell the whole story. We are living in strange times where a girl has been speaking lies about verifiable facts and selling them to media. And all this just for the sake of somehow proving that she had "something" to do with Hrithik Roshan."
We cannot be sure if either of the photos are doctored or none were! But the legal battle between Kangana and Hrithik is sure getting dirty with every passing day.