As per news in an entertainment portal, “Actress has been admitted to Hinduja Healthcare. Bips was suffering from acute respiratory problems since the past few days. She has been admitted under the senior Pulmonologist Dr Kinjal Modi.”
Source of the portal also said, “Bipasha was frequently visiting the hospital since few days and was admitted yesterday. Most of her family members, her husband Karan Singh Grover and friends are tight-lipped about it.Tests are underway and treatment has begun.”
A day earlier Bipasha also posted picture on her Instagram saying ‘Being sick sucks’. She wrote, “Being sick sucks🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢Been sick for way tooooo long!!!! Enough I say... Enough 😡 @mamtaanand10 get well soon too, my dear twinzie. Thank you for all the amazing natural remedies 😘 about time... all should work on us now🤨😏😒😞”
We wish Bipasha Basu a speedy recovery.