New Delhi: Actor Pervien Dastur, who played the character of Seema in Salman Khan and Bhagyashree’s blockbuster film ‘Maine Pyaar Kiya’, recently opened up about her experience of working in the film and shared many details about the film. She also revealed that contrary to popular belief, the highest paid actor in the film was not Salman Khan but Bhagyashree. Pervien shared that Bhagyashree was paid Rs 1.5 lakhs for the film while she was paid 25000. Salman Khan had once shared that he had received Rs 31,000 for his role. 

In an interview with Bollywood Thikana, Pervien said, “I was paid Rs 25,000 and Bhagyashree was the highest paid that time. She got Rs 1,50,000 and we were all like ‘wow’.” 

She further praised Rajshri Productions, the film's production house, for their fair treatment and timely payment of salaries, highlighting their reputation for integrity in financial matters. 

“The production house of Rajshri never gave a lot of money to actors but our cheques always came to our house. We never had to ask for our money. They would never cheat you of your money. There are people in the industry who do not pay and I have worked with people where I was not paid,” she told Bollywood Thikana. 

Pervien also appreciated the overall working environment, Rajshree productions provided, emphasizing the decent facilities, comfortable makeup room, and satisfactory catering services. “The set up was so decent. The makeup room, the food, we got everything that we asked for. Maybe they were not big pay masters but I was told that my pay was a princely sum because they used to pay Rs 1k or 2k,” she said. 

Salman Khan himself has also spoken about his early days in the industry and his remuneration for 'Maine Pyaar Kiya.' In an interview with PTI, he had said, “My first salary was, I think, about Rs 75. I was dancing behind in some show in Taj hotel. One of my friends was dancing there so he took me (and I did it) just for fun. Then it went up to Rs 750 for Campa Cola (a soft drink brand) and then it was Rs 1,500 for the longest time. Then I got paid Rs 31,000 for Maine Pyar Kiya, which was then increased to Rs 75,000 later.”  

Directed by Sooraj Barjatya, the film was a blockbuster and the highest-grossing film of the year 1989.