It all started when reports surfaced online that Sidharth Malhotra flew off to US to get some special training for Bang Bang 2. But the actor cleared all the rumours regarding his upcoming film with Jacqueline Fernandez. The actors are already teasing the fans with some witty pictures straight from the sets of their film.
Sidharth Malhotra tweeted, ''Day 1 of .... our director duo @krishdk n Raj @Asli_Jacqueline@foxstarhindi''
A source from the production reveals, "Although it's not yet final, the film has got a working title for now. It's called Reloaded and it will possibly change once they find the apt title." We quizzed Sidharth too on the same and he responded saying, "It's the working title, not final."
Sidharth Malhotra will be seen next in ''Baar Baar Dekho'' whereas Jacqueline's getting ready for the film ''Dishoom''. Though they have started shooting for the film, the release date of the movie is yet to be decided.