Bollywood actress turned global icon Priyanka Chopra got married to International actor-singer Nick Jonas in December last year. Ever since then, Nick Jonas' fan-following in India is increasing with each passing day. Today (10th April), Nick Jonas was trending on Internet due to his social media activity. The 'Sucker' singer started following producer-director Karan Joar on Instagram which made their fans super-excited. Also, Karan Johar's mention of 'Student of The Year 3' in one of his yesterday's tweets made some fans speculating whether Nick Jonas is eyeing Bollywood now.

Yesterday, Karan Johar took to his Twitter account and wrote, "Am so excited and proud to handed the franchise to you!!! #soty2 coming your way soon!!! Shall we reveal our plans for #SOTY3 just now!!? Or actually let’s keep em guessing"

Take a look at his tweet below:

After Nick Jonas began following KJo on Instagram, a netizan observed the same & posted it after which others start wondering (in a fun way) whether Nick Jonas will have a cameo in any 'Dharma' film or 'SOTY 3' as the director-producer mentioned it in his tweet.

Take a look at the tweet below:

WATCH: Priyanka Chopra trips, clasps Nick Jonas' arm, avoids fall

Here are few funny reactions on the post:

On the career front, Karan Johar's latest production venture 'Kalank' is set to hit the screens on 17th April whereas Nick Jonas has just released his single titled 'Cool'.