Versatile actress Kalki Koechlin, who made her Bollywood debut with Anurag Kashyap's much-acclaimed film 'DevD' in 2009 opposite Abhay Deol, is beaming with joy these days as she is finally a mother now. Last seen in Ranveer Singh-Alia Bhatt's 'Gully Boy', the versatile actress gave birth to her first child, a baby girl, with boyfriend Guy Hershberg on February 7. Since then, the much-in-love couple has named their newborn daughter Sappho and they are busy spending quality time with their little munchkin. Three days after the birth of baby Sappho, new mommy Kalki has finally shared her first pictures.

Yesterday (February 10), Kalki took to her social media accounts and shared the cute pictures with fans. In the pictures, Kalki is posing with beau Guy Hershberg, daughter Sappho & other family members, friends. The new parents are beaming with joy as Guy Hershberg holds baby Sappho in his arms.

Posting the pictures on social media, Kalki wrote, "So thankful to the whole team at Tulip Women's Care and to my to doctors @docsheetalsabharwal  and @drrvpunjabi who simply refused to give up on me even when after 17 hours I was so tired I begged them to take the baby out anyway they could and they said no, you've come this far and you're going to have your natural waterbirth, and an hour later Sappho was born. You guys are miracle workers!"

Take a look at the pictures below (SWIPE LEFT):

For the uninitiated, the 'Margarita With A Straw' actress was previously married to director-producer Anurag Kashyap. However, the couple got separated in 2013 after tying the knot in 2011.

On the work front, the actress recently made her Tamil film debut with 'Nerkonda Paarvai' and is currently prepping for a web series.

Heartiest congratulations to the couple!