A while ago, the social media profiles of Shahid Kapoor, were hacked by Turkish hackers and they posted series of tweets and Instagram posts from both the accounts of the 'Batti Gul Meter Chalu' actor. Shahid and wife Mira Rajput became parents for the second time welcoming a baby boy yesterday at Hinduja hospital in Khar where Mira was admitted in the evening. With the arrival of the little prince, their elder daughter Misha Kapoor becomes a big sister to the newborn baby boy and she even visited the hospital with Dad Shahid a while ago..[PICS!]. While everyone awaited a glimpse of Shamira's son, a few postings were being made from the new daddy's Instagram and Twitter profile for past 2 hours which was the acitivity of . Well, his Instagram is already back and Shahid in his first post after his son's birth thanked everyone for the wishes, also informing fans about the hack.
Shahid wrote on Insta story - "Hey guys thank you for the wonderful wishes. My Instagram and Twitter have been hacked. Just go Insta back. My team working on sorting twitter so plz know it's not me and avoid any interaction."
Shahid Kapoor informs fans about his Instagram and Twitter accounts hack and thanks everyone for the wishes on his baby boy's birth
Mira was admitted in Hinduja hospital last evening i.e. 5th September, 2018 and by the night the news of their baby boy's birth arrived. Mira's mother Bela Rajput visited her at hospital and after that, Shahid's half brother Ishaan Khatter and their mom Neelima Azeem were see visiting the hospital too.
PICS: After mom Bela Rajput, Shahid’s brother Ishaan Khatter & mother Neelima Azim visit Mira Rajput in hospital!
Now that the Daddy has already thanked everyone for the wishes, all we now want is the first glimpse of the adorable newborn baby. Also fans are keen to know what the parents are going to name their second child since Misha was named with the combination of Shahid+Mira.
What do you think they should name their son?