Neil Nitin Mukesh has broken millions of hearts as the dashing actor has tied the knot with Rukmini Sahay on Thursday. Their wedding was a royal affair and was held in the city of lakes- Udaipur. The bride and groom were color coordinated and was looking absolutely stunning in their wedding outfits.

(Photo: Facebook/ The Wedding Story)

PHOTOS: Neil Nitin Mukesh & Rukmini Sahay’s Sangeet & Mehendi Ceremony is like a DREAM!

Neil looked utterly handsome and royal in the red and golden sherwani. While, Rukmini was looking like a princess in her beautiful red and orange lehenga choli.

Here are some of the pictures from Neil and Rukmini's marriage:

SEE PICS: Neil Nitin Mukesh gets ENGAGED to Rukmini Sahay in a GRAND ceremony!

Neil and Rukmini's wedding took place as per traditional Rajasthani culture.

Here's wishing the good-looking couple a very happy married life!