Filmmaker Karan Johar's adorable twins Roohi and Yash who were born via surrogacy in 2017 turned-two-year old today. As the tiny tots turn two, Karan’s best friend and actress Neha Dhupia wished them with two beautiful pictures of her own newborn daughter Mehr posing with Karan, his mom and the twins.

She wrote, “#happybirthday my dearest Roohi and Yash... I still remember the first time we met and both of you screamed out loud ... “bbbbaaaaabbbbbyyyyyy”.... I may not be joining you for your birthday celebrations this time as I will be busy ... but I promise I ll create havoc with you very very soon... @mehrdhupiabedi.”

In the picture, Neha is seen standing with her husband Angad Bedi who is holding Yash and Karan holding Roohi in his arms. Karan’s mother Hiroo Johar is seen sitting with Neha’s daughter Mehr in her arms.

On a related note, Karan is planning to host a star-studded birthday bash for his twins at Mumbai’s Taj Land’s End. From Kareena Kapoor’s son Taimur, Shahid Kapoor’s daughter Misha, Rani Mukerji’s daughter Adira to Soha Ali Khan’s daughter Inaaya and Tusshar Kapoor’s son Laksshya are expected to attend the party.

A source told DNA, “They get along well. Many games and activities have been planned for the young ones. The invites were sent out well in advance. Many parents are likely to join their kids too.”

Stay tuned for the updates on KJo's kids' bash!