New Delhi: Even though there were a lot of rumours around their wedding, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt kept them a secret till the very last moment. The power couple tied the knot in a small ceremony on April 14, 2022, at their home in Mumbai, Vastu, and it has been a year since then. 

Now, two old interviews with Neetu Kapoor and Alia Bhatt have popped up online, in which the two were seen discussing the wedding in detail. According to earlier rumours, Ranbir and Alia want to get married in 2020.

In a video clip shared by BollyBlindsNGossip on Reddit, they can be heard talking about the wedding plans in two different interviews.

Speaking to Film Companion, Neetu Kapoor revealed that although the couple originally intended to get married abroad in South Africa, they ultimately chose to get married on their own terrace.

“Ranbir and Alia had planned so much that ‘we’ll go to South Africa, we’ll do a recee,’ and eventually, where did they do it? At their home. Since two years we were planning we’ll go here, and we were seeing pictures. We were going absolutely nuts. But this was the best, and she looked so beautiful," Neetu said.

While speaking to Mid-Day about a destination wedding, Alia Bhatt said,“I don’t like show off, it’s actually very stressful for me. The idea of taking people and travelling to another location and setting up that place. That’s just too stressful for me. We are not like big kind of celebratory people.”

At the time, Alia Bhatt told the publication that she wished to get married to Ranbir at her home, where they had shared many years of living together ever since their relationship started. 

Check out the clip here:

Internet users are now calling Alia Bhatt a "liar" for stating that she dislikes destination weddings.

Meanwhile, there were reportedly 40 attendees at the couple's wedding and an additional 40 friends during the reception. Close friends including Ranbir's sister Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, Kareena Kapoor, Karisma Kapoor, and Karan Johar were among those there.