The National Commission for Women has slammed the actor Salman Khan for a 'rape' comment he made during Sultan's promotion. While, the actor has been asked for an apology, the Twitter has been trending with ''#SalmanMisquoted'' trend. The reason for this trend has been the unreported part of Salman Khan's conversation where he apologized for his 'rape' statement.

The National Commission for Women (NCW) slammed actor Salman Khan for a ‘rape’ comment he purportedly made during a group interaction with journalists. In response to a question on the hectic shooting schedule for his upcoming film in which he plays a wrestler, Khan said, “It is like the most difficult thing….When I used to walk out of that ring, it used to be actually like a raped woman walking out.” Realizing his folly, Khan immediately added, “I don’t think I should have” and proceeded to say, “It feels like the most difficult….I couldn’t take steps. I couldn’t take steps.”

Also: SHOCKING! Salman Khan compares himself to a ‘RAPED WOMAN’; Gets trolled on TWITTER!

Lalitha Kumaramangalam, the chief of NCW, told news agency ANI that the commission has sent him a letter asking why he made the remark. “This is very sad. Just because he is Salman Khan doesnt mean he will make such a statement,” she told ANI, adding that the commission has given him seven days to apologise.

On the other hand, check out some Tweets from the #SalmanMisquoted Trend Below:

(Credit: NirajVerma, Twitter)

(Credit: Abhinav, twitter)