Veteran Bollywood actor Naseeruddin Shah's veiled comments against Anupam Kher today drew sharp reactions from his former co-star and some members of the film fraternity. In an apparent dig at Kher, Shah had said, "A person who has never lived in Kashmir has started a fight for Kashmiri
Pandits. Suddenly, he has become a displaced person."

"Shah Saab ki Jai Ho. By that logic NRIs should not think about India at all.:)," Kher had tweeted. The actor later said that he had spoken to Shah to clarify the matter. Kher said Shah denied making that statement. When approached for his comments, Shah said, "I don't want to say anything. I don't want to give any reaction. This is misreporting."

Filmmaker Madhur Bhandarkar wrote on Twitter, "You don't have to be Kashmiri to fight for #KashmiriPandits plight. Every Indian should condemn the brutality and support their resettlement." Replying to Bhandarkar, Pandit said, "Well said Sir. Just like @NaseerudinShah who is from #Meerut but raised his voice for #GujaratRiots."


All is not well between Sanjay Dutt and Salman Khan? Bhaijaan is angry with Sanju Baba!