Mumbai: The "country is weeping," said noted filmmaker Mukesh Bhatt amid nationwide protests against the new Citizenship Act. "I am personally very upset from CAA. Entire country is weeping, entire country is burning. If you still can't see anything then it is unfortunate. If this is happening in our entire country and our young children have took to the streets then we have to notice that something is wrong," the filmmaker told reporters.

Condemning violence during protests, Bhatt said, "I am against violence but with the protests that are taking place, the government has to notice that why is it happening."

Earlier on Thursday, noted Bollywood celebrities including Farhan Akhtar, Huma Qureshi, Rahul Bose and Swara Bhaskar took part in demonstrations against the amended Citizenship Act.

The CAA provisions to grant citizenship to non-Muslims of Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh who fled religious persecution and arrived in India on or before December 31, 2014.