The '2.0' actress Amy Jackson took everyone by surprise when she announced the news of her pregnancy on Sunday via Instagram sharing a silhouette pic against the sunset with her fiance George Panayiotou who kisses her forehead while her her baby bump is visible too. Seen in various Telugu and Tamil films alongside Bollywood movies like Singh Is Bliing, '2.0', 'Ekk Deewana Tha' and 'Freaky Ali', the 27 yr old British model-actress Amy got engaged to her hotelier-boyfriend George and the two are now set to welcome their first child. Amy is currently in her first trimester and is 15 weeks pregnant. Amy opened up about her pregnancy in the exclusive interview given to Hello magazine and the couple adorably posed for the pregnancy photoshoot together while the mommy-to-be flaunts her baby bump.

Amy also shared the link to Hello article and talking to the magazine she revealed that their baby wasn't planned and that the news was a surprise to them too.

Amy said - "It was totally unplanned. We had no idea." The Liverpudlian actress, who became engaged to property developer George, 31, on New Year’s Eve, says they are looking forward to becoming parents. "We’re at that stage where we’re definitely ready for it. I don’t think you can ever plan something perfectly, but we’re in such a good place. We’re happy together, we have a beautiful home and we’re excited to be a mum and dad".

15 weeks pregnant Amy Jackson poses with fiance George (Pic Credit:

Amy also shares that the pregnancy has deepened her relationship with George.

Amy had met businessman George in 2015. In an earlier interview given to Hello, in February this year, Amy had talked about her wedding plans with George which was to take place next year i.e. in 2020. On New Year's Eve her boyfriend, 31-year-old businessman George Panayiotou, proposed during an unforgettable African getaway.

"It was the most incredible dream holiday. George pulled out all the stops. We travelled into Johannesburg then flew to Zambia where we went on safari, and to Botswana. I am animal obsessed so to see lions, rhinos and elephants…well, I think I cried a couple of times, it was so overwhelming." -Amy told Hello.

And here's what happened when he proposed to her for marriage.

"He proposed on a raft in Zambia, with the sun setting and over a private dinner. It was beautiful," she had revealed in the same interview.

George Panayiotou is a hotelier and owns a chain of hotels and is the son of British businessman Andreas Panayiotou.

She had then said that she wants the wedding destination to be accessible to everyone since they will have people coming from India and the US and her fiance has huge Greek family so it has to be convenient for them too.

Sharing the Hello picture with fiance George, Amy captions it - "Full on Mom&Dad feels ???????? | Thankyou 
@hellomag for sharing our special news so beautifully! The exclusive interview talking about our Baba is out in this weeks magazine. Link in bio"

Amy had made her debut in Bollywood with 'Ekk Deewana Tha' in 2012 opposite Raj Babbar's son Prateik Babbar post which the two also dated each other. The two parted ways in an ugly break up and while Prateik recently got married to girlfriend Sanya Sagar on January 23rd, Amy got engaged to George in January itself.

Amy recently starred in the US TV series Supergirl, plans to balance parenthood with her career but is looking forward to having a break.

"It’s important to have your own career and identity, but it’s nice to have this time to think about what’s next," she says. "I’ve always gone from one film to the next so I’m using this as a bit of respite – for now" -She told Hello.

Congratulations to Amy Jackson and George Panayiotou!