The name of Taimur Ali Khan was trolled after parents Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan announced the name. And now, the little munchkin of 'pataudi' family has got a new name given by mother Kareena.

(Photo: Instagram)

Yes, you read that right!

AWWW! Daddy Saif Ali Khan says his newborn SON Taimur looks like Kareena’s father Randhir Kapoor!

But, the name 'Taimur' has not been changed but Kareena has a special nick-name for Taimur.

According to the recent reports, Bebo no longer refers to Taimur as Taimur but calls him as her “Little John”. Kareena's friends have also started addressing Taimur as "Little John".

Bebo delivered the beautiful baby boy named Taimur Ali Khan on December 20, 2016, and since then the little nawab has been breaking the internet.

Recently, Saif had put a picture of Taimur as his Whatsapp profile picture which went viral all over the internet.

WOW! Kareena Kapoor REVEALS son Taimur Ali Khan is never alone at home, either she or hubby Saif is always there with him!

Taimur Ali Khan

And now, the new name of Taimur is grabbing limelight. But the reason behind the name "Little John"  has not yet been revealed.

But, the name is surely unusual yet adorable! What do you think?