New Delhi: Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput, who tied the knot on July 7, 2015 celebrated their third marriage anniversary on Saturday. ‘Shamira’ as called by fans have grown stronger with every passing year and continue to remain one of the most loved couples in Bollywood. Wifey Mira took to Instagram to wish her hubby in a special way on the joyous occasion. She shared a funny picture of the ‘Padmaavat actor’, which definitely must have left him a tad bit embarrassed. Shahid can be seen pouting in the close-up picture and we are loving it.

Mira captioned the pic as ‘’Bad pictures make for the best memories. This is why I love you. Happy 3, baby.’’ The caption is cute, isn’t it?

Shahid and Mira, who have been painting the town red with their love, are proud parents to one-year-old Misha. The adorable munchkin is internet’s favourite child and her pictures go viral in no time.The happily married couple will soon welcome their second child.

Check out Mira’s post for Shahid right here.

Mira recently took over Shahid’s Instagram and shared several pictures on his Instagram story feature. The doting wife shared hilarious memes from Kapoor’s upcoming film Batti Gul Meter Chalu and fans couldn’t help but have a hearty laugh.

Shahid and Mira have given us some serious relationship goals ever since they got hitched and we really hope they continue their cute PDA on social media.

Watch this space for more updates!

Must See- CUTEST pictures of Shahid & Mira which you can't MISS at all