The #MeToo movement which created ripples in Hollywood has now reached Bollywood. Former actress Tanushree Dutta started the campaign when she accused Nana Patekar of harassing her on the sets of ‘Horn Ok Pleassss’ in 2008. The ‘Aashiq Banaya Aapne’ actress sent several tongues wagging when she gave a no-holds-barred interview. After Tanushree, several other women have come forward to tell their ordeal and share their tale of #MeToo. There has not been a single event where the tinsel town stars were not asked about the cases of sexual harassment in the industry.

When Salman Khan was asked about Tanushree Dutta-Nana Patekar row, the Bigg Boss 12 host said that he is not aware of the controversy. While the ‘Bharat’ actor has remained silent, his father Salim Khan has supported the survivors through a post.

The ‘Sholay’ screenwriter took to Twitter to extend his support to all the women out there who have opened up about their ordeal.

“The only defence they have is ‘Why so late ?’ It is better late than never. You don’t have to wait for the result, you have already won great public support. Aadmi pahad se gir kar khadda ho sakta hai…apni nazron se girkar nahin,” Salim wrote on the micro-blogging site.

Check out his tweet!

Bollywood biggies like Vikas Bahl, Alok Nath, Sajid Khan, Subhash Ghai have been accused by different women of sexual misconduct and indecency. Multiple women including a journalist and two actresses have levelled allegations of sexual harassment against Sajid Khan. He had to back out from Akshay Kumar-Bobby Deol starrer ‘Housefull 4’. Khan has been now replaced with Farhad Samji as the director of the film.

Nana Patekar, who was said to play a key role in ‘Housefull 4’, is no longer part of the film. Tanushree, while talking to a leading daily, said that she is glad that Akshay Kumar decided to not work with Patekar and Sajid but the movement should continue.

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