New Delhi: After making her mark in Bollywood, actress Karisma Kapoor recently entered the digital world with ALTBalaji's & Zee5's recently released web-series 'Mentalhood'. The talented actress, who proved her mettle as a powerhouse performer in her Bollywood career, is fetching amazing response for her performance in 'Mentalhood'. The digital show also featuring Dino Morea, Sanjay Suri, Sandhya Mridul, Shilpa Shukla has been earning a host of rave reviews ever since the show started streaming (11th March) on the popular streaming entertainment service.

The digital show has been hugely applauded by the critics, fraternity, Karisma’s family and specially her ardent fans, who couldn’t stop raving about the actress who has returned to acting after a long gap. Karisma is super-happy with the response she's getting for her performance.

Commenting on the positive response, Karisma Kapoor shares, "I am overwhelmed by the response that the show has gone to receive. I am thoroughly grateful to my loving fans and the audience who have showered their love and blessings and appreciated the show. The main reason for me saying yes to the show when Ekta approached me was that, being a mother myself, I wanted every lady, mother, and those women who are mothers to be, to know and realize how special motherhood is and the ups and downs of parenting."

"I also wanted to tell all the mothers, wives, daughters and even the men that they aren’t alone. Since that is the basic premise of the show, I agreed to be part of Mentalhood. I am happy that the show has struck the right chord amongst audiences in India and abroad and I hope that people continue to watch the show and keep loving it," she adds.

Ever since its release, 'Mentalhood' is trending well on Indian and global lists and now fans are waiting to see her back on the big-screen as well. We just hope that it happens soon!

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