Manish Malhotra, who is one of the most popular fashion designers in Bollywood, is currently going through a tough time. Manish Malhotra is grief-striken as his father is no more. Reportedly, Manish Malhotra's father, who was in his early 90s, passed away today (18th November) in the morning. Speaking about the same, a TOI report states that, the ace designer's father wasn't well for a while.

Manish Malhotra's close-friends from industry arrived at his Bandra residence to offer condolences. Filmmaker Karan Johar was among the first ones who arrived at Manish Malhotra's residence. Shabana Azmi, Sophie Choudry and Punit Malhotra too were snapped outside the designer's house.

Karan at Manish Malhotra's residence (Photo: Manav Manglani)

Sophie at Manish Malhotra's residence (Photo: Manav Manglani)

Shabana Azmi at Manish Malhotra's residence (Photo: Manav Manglani)

This is indeed a tough time for Manish Malhotra. Here's hoping that he gathers the strength to cope up with the loss.

May his father's soul rest in peace!