Kangana has been credited as the co-director on the film, which was in the headlines after Jagarlamudi left the project abruptly reportedly due to creative differences with Kangana, who plays the title role. "I don't know what is it about me but I really love working as a technician. No actor wants to be out in the sun as opposed to being in the AC van. No actor wants to be among 80 sweaty people who are asking you 100 questions."
"I don't know what is it about me that I am so comfortable in this job. There is nothing I love more than directing. Even though I don't get to wear make-up or look like my star self or get any special treatment. It is absolutely a worker's life to be honest, but there's something so amazing about this job that I don't know why people even consider this a job. It is so much fun. I think acting is more like a job but directing is a lot of fun. I hope I get more chances to do this. This seems like my first love," she told reporters.
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Jagarlamudi has not commented on his departure but the producers said he left the film midway as the dates were clashing with his forthcoming project, a biopic on NTR.
Kangana was also asked to comment on the clash 'Manikarnika' is set to face with Hrithik's 'Super 30' and Emraan Hasmi's 'Cheat India' on January 25th, 2019 next month. he did not directly comment on the clash but said choosing January 25 was important for them, keeping the patriotic theme of the film in mind.
"Nobody pressured me for this release date but I felt this film should have this sentiment as far as the release date is concerned like Republic Day or Independence Day."
And when this question was asked, Kangana did at first attempt to answer it but was at loss of words when Shariq Patel, the CEO of Zee Studios, took it up. Shariq said - "So right now Cheat India is announced, we don't know about the status of Super 30. But you know we truly believe in product that we have created and spent a lot of sleepless nights and lot of hard work on it. And the film will stand on it's on merit and really if it's one film we come against or ten other film, we really are playing this on front foot as i said it's gonna be a massive release. and we wish the best to all the films which are releasing on that day but we are extremely confident of our own film."
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(With inputs from PTI copy)