Tanmy Bhatt of ‘All India Backchod’ is facing the flak ever since he posted a video on social media in which he mocked the legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar and cricketer Sachin Tendulkar. Now, Lata Mangeshkar's sisters Asha Bhoshle and Meena Khadikar have reacted to the video.
Ashaji told BT, "I have not seen the video nor do I intend to. My grandson Chintu informed me about it as I don't even watch television. I don't want to say anything except for we are talking about a woman (Lata didi), who has worked for 70-80 years of her life, spreading joy and happiness through her music. I now want to wait and watch how many people will stand by us. Most people have a knack of debating about it for a couple of days and forgetting about it. Aaplya deshat, Bharat Ratnancha kiti aadar aahe hey baghaycha aahe (I want to see what respect and honour do the Bharat Ratnas get in our country). The government has bestowed this honour upon them. They must make a note of this."
Also: Sachin Tendulkar’s WIFE Anjali BLASTS AIB’s Tanmay Bhat over his controversial spoof; VIDEO INSIDE!
Talking to The Times of India, (edition dated May 31) crime council Mahesh Jethmalani said, "It is very indecent and in extremely poor taste. But it doesn't merit a criminal case." People on social media are of the opinion that while everyone has the right to freedom of speech, comedy should be used to entertain and not to abuse.
Meena tai added, " We don't know who this man is nor have we discussed this issue with Lata didi. Even news channels should follow some discretion and avoid replaying that video on TV as our phone hasn't stopped ringing for the past two days. She is 86 years old. Her health is sensitive and this is the last thing she needs to know."
She further says, "Reacting to the video is giving it undue importance. We avoid talking about these things as it can be misinterpreted and may evoke some other unnecessary controversy. The government should take action against this and people should speak up if they love us. Sachin has achieved so much in his life at such a young age. He has immense respect for didi and vice versa. These are Bharat Ratna awardees. Tyanchya vishayi kahitari ghanerda bolaycha (Talking rubbish about them) in the name of comedy is disgusting. We have nothing against humour, provided it's in good taste. Several comedians have mimicked Lata didi in the past. Johny Lever mimics Asha but they are funny. None of that made us angry. This is repulsive. There's absolute disregard for her age or achievements."