Mumbai: Bollywood star Malaika Arora has created ripples on social media, courtesy her new dance video. The ‘Chaiyya Chaiyya’ girl took to Instagram to share a clip wherein she can be seen dancing with her ‘partner & brother’ on the beats of a peppy number. She flaunted her dance moves while shaking a leg with her friend Sarvesh Shashi. 

Malaika, who donned a jumpsuit, was seen twerking with Sarvesh in the video. She called it ‘Malaika’s move of the week’ while sharing the clip on Instagram. The caption for the post read, "Good morning everybody. Let’s loosen up a little bit today. I believe ALL of us are yogis by breath & definitely should be dancers by heart. #MalaikasMoveOfTheWeek is fun not just because it is dance but also because you get to make your own moves. With my partner & brother @sarvesh_shashi Let's get up and dance."

Fans have flooded the comments section with their messages. They praised Malaika's dance moves. Check out the video!

Malaika, who recently walked the ramp at Lakme Fashion Week 2021, made several hearts skip with a beat with her stunnint avatar. She looked gorgeous in a lehenga and traditional jewelry. Arora posted several photos from the gala event on social media. 

Malaika also performed at Liva Miss Diva 2021, setting the stage of fire with her sizzling act. 

The tinsel town diva was snapped by the paparazzi at the Mumbai airport on Monday (October 18). She donned a purple outfit and sported a face mask as a precautionary measure against COVID-19.

On the professional front, Malaika is currently seen as a judge in Sony TV’s ‘India’s Best Dancer 2’. The dance reality show was launched on October 16, 2021.  Geeta Kapur and Terence Lewis are the other two judges on the show, which airs on weekends.

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