The ‘Chaiyya Chaiyya’ girl posted the picture which was clicked before the COVID-19 lockdown. Karisma’s pose in the picture says it all and even Malaika thinks the same.
“When we last all met jus before lockdown ..... outfit makeup Sunglasses’s poseready.... n no masks @amuaroraofficial @natasha.poonawalla @kareenakapoorkhan @therealkarismakapoor ( ur pose says it all gurl ),” the caption for the post read.
Malaika also shared a picture with Kareena, Amrita and Mallika Bhatt on her Instagram story. It appears as if Bebo has clicked the photo. That's not the case as Malaika revealed that Karisma took the snap. She wrote, "This day That Year 2015 @therealkarismakapoor u click great pics,'' while sharing the photo.
Malaika is currently spending her quarantine with son Arhaan Khan and pet dog Casper.
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