Mumbai: Alia Bhatt might be in news for her professional success and her relationship with Ranbir Kapoor but the actor says people will have to "keep waiting" as there is still time before she ties the knot. A latest picture of Alia with her rumored beau Ranbir relaxing on the sets of 'Brahmastra' went viral and their marriage reports have also been making rounds for a while. Also the power couple of Bollywood, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh got hitched in a private ceremony in Italy's Lake Como on 14th and 15th in Konkani and Sindhi weddings respectively[VIEW Pics of bride-groom!] while Priyanka Chopra is also set to tie the knot with her American singer-boyfriend(now fiance)Nick Jonas reportedly on December 1 in Jodhpur[VIDEO! Mom Madhu Chopra in Jodhpur to check Priyanka-Nick’s wedding preps; Also REACTS to marriage date question!]. Alia faced a marriage question too and she responded to with also her reactions to DeepVeer and NickYanka's weddings.

When asked about Priyanka's wedding, Alia told reporters, "I am very happy and excited. I am very excited to see PC in her wedding attire. I am very fond of her and I have a lot of love and warmth for her.

"I wish she has a beautiful wedding and I am sure she will make for a beautiful bride and she should have a beautiful life."

The "Raazi" actor was asked about her marriage plans.

"Haan! Deepika-Ranveer ki bhi ho gayi![Ques: Ab aapka intezaar hai? ] Meri Shaadi? Intazaar karo.. karo abhi intazaar[giggles] [Kab?]Time lagega!!"(Keep waiting. There's time for that.)

Alia was speaking at the Lux Golden Rose Award, Sunday night.[PICS: Lux Golden Rose Awards 2018: Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Janhvi Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Ankita Lokhande look their STYLISH best]

WATCH video of Alia Bhatt speaking at 'Lux Golden Rose Awards 2018' below: 

(With Inputs from PTI)