Mumbai: Aamir Khan, who turned 54 today, treated his fans with the announcement of his next film titled ‘Laal Singh Chadda’ which will be an adaptation of the Hollywood classic ‘Forrest Grump’. Aamir celebrated his birthday with a customary cake-cutting ceremony with the media persons in Mumbai on Thursday. Kiran Rao was also present at the press conference held by the actor. For the media interaction, Aamir opted for a casual look, he was dressed in a tee and pair of trousers, while Kiran also kept it simple donning a white striped top and black jeans.
The actor made the announcement of his next film titled ‘Laal Singh Chadda’ which is a remake of Hollywood film ‘Forest Gump’ (1994).
The film will be helmed by ‘Secret Superstar’ director Advait Chandan.
“My next film is finalised it is called ‘Lal Singh Chaddha’. It is being made by Viacom18 Motion Pictures and Aamir Khan Productions together. It will be directed by Advait Chandan. It is an adaptation of Hollywood film ‘Forrest Gump’,” he said addressing the media.
“We have bought the rights from Paramount and I am playing the lead role of Lal Singh,” Aamir told reporters.
Happy Birthday Aamir Khan! FIRST PICS: Mr. Perfectionist celebrates with media; locks lip with wife after cutting cake
‘Forrest Gump,’ directed by Robert Zemeckis went on to win six Oscars, including best picture, best director and best actor for Hanks.
The film which starred Tom Hanks and Robin Wright was based on Winston Groom’s 1986 novel of the same name. It follows Forrest Gump, a dim-witted man from Alabama, who witnesses and influences several historical events in 20th century USA.
The actor said that the makers are yet to lock the cast of the upcoming film.
“We have started the prep work on the film. The shoot will start from October. I will be prepping for six months. I have to lose weight. I will be losing 20 kgs. I have to be lean and slim,” Aamir added.
The makers of the movie have not yet decided the release date of the film but are planning to release it in 2020.
“I have always loved ‘Forrest Gump’ as a script. It is a wonderful story about this character. It is a life affirming story. It is a feel good film. It is a film for the whole family. It’s a wonderful film so I really like it,” Aamir added.
The actor also went onto to reveal that he would be sporting a turban for some part of the film.
Aamir was last seen in ‘Thugs of Hindostan’ alongside Amitabh Bachchan, Katrina Kaif and Fatima Sana Shaikh.
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