New Delhi: After months of speculations, Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar and filmmaker Karan Johar have officially announced their upcoming Bollywood flick 'Kesari'.

The excited 50-year-old actor took to his Twitter account and updated the fans that the movie is based on "one of the bravest battles found in India, 'The battle of Saragarhi".

He wrote, "A film I'm extremely excited about personally and emotionally... #Kesari releasing Holi 2019."

The 'Aye Dille Mushkil' director also took to his Twitter handle to write, "Extremely excited to see this exceptional and brave story unfold!!! @akshaykumar #KESARI #holi2019."

The movie is directed by Anurag Singh and is all set to hit the theatres in Holi 2019.