New Delhi: ‘Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan’, starring Salman Khan, closed its first week on a strong note. The film directed by Farhad Samji was released on April 21 on Eid. The film is receiving mostly poor reviews and opened to a very low amount at the box office, at Rs 15.81 Cr. On its second day, however, the film experienced a massive increase in ticket sales, earning Rs 25.75 crore. ‘Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan’ has earned more than Rs 150 crore worldwide in its first week.
Although ‘Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan’ opened to tremendous success in the major markets, its earnings have since begun to decline with the end of the Eid holiday season. The production company shared the first week's official numbers on its social media accounts.
Meanwhile, Mani Ratnam's 'Ponniyin Selvan 2' was released today, and it's bound to be a rival to the Salman Khan film. The opening day estimate for the film's domestic gross is Rs 30 crore.
Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan review
ABP Live’s review of the film reads, “Despite having an impressive cast, the writers scarcely give the characters any soul, leading to a mishmash of characters and flimsy subplots.
The North-meets-South romance barely works due to a handful of amusing moments that naturally fall into place. But for the most part, the narrative's dragged humor makes for some intolerably awful bits. Although the plot matches up to that in several Bollywood flicks in this genre, the well-choreographed action sequences were the film's redeeming grace.
When it comes to the performances, Salman Khan does well in the violent, bloody fight scenes but fumbles in the more nuanced ones. On the other side, Pooja Hedge, who serves a little more than merely a prop, does fairly well in her screen time. As "Rowdy Anna," Daggubati Venkatesh holds the fort for the whole of his screen time, and when Khan's character is in the same frame, he nearly eats him up.”