Where 2019 marked the debut of several star kids, joining the list is Katrina Kaif's sister, Isabelle Kaif. Isabelle will be seen along Aayush Sharma, who debuted last year with 'Loveyatri,' which was produced by Salman Khan under the banner of Salman Khan Films and directed by debutante Abhiraj Minawala. Both of them are signed for the for essaying lead roles in Karan Lalit Butani's 'Kwatha,' whose release date is still unknown.

The flick is based on the true events involving the Indian army in Kwatha, situated in Manipur, a state in northeastern India, announced Salman Khan on social media.

"#IsabelleKaif and Aayush Sharma to star in a film based on true events involving the Indian army in #Kwatha Karan Lalit Butani," he wrote on social media.

The flick is being produced by Sunil Jain, Omprakash Bhat, Aditya Joshi, Alok Thakur, and Sujay Shankarwar, reported film critic Taran Adarsh.

"IT'S OFFICIAL... Katrina Kaif's Sister Isabelle to debut opposite Aayush Sharma in #Kwatha... Directed by Karan Lalit Butani... Produced by Sunil Jain, Omprakash Bhat, Aditya Joshi, Alok Thakur, and Sujay Shankarwar," wrote Taran.

Aayush Sharma was launched against another debutant Warina Hussain in'Loveyatri' which did not do so well on the box office. However, the flick's songs such as 'Chogada, 'Tera Hua' and 'Akh Lad Jaave' garnered the audience's appreciation.