The Pataudi family of Saif Ali Khan, wife Kareena Kapoor and their little munchkin Taimur Ali Khan are currently enjoying their summer break in London along with Soha Ali Khan, Kunal Kemmu and their baby girl Inaaya. And while Soha-Kunal are regularly posting pictures of daughter Inaaya from the vacation fans were missing Taimur's latest clicks from her vacation but few new pictures of the baby boy has now surfaced on internet which can make anyone go aww!
In the latest pics, Taimur is enjoying in the water with his nanny, as his mommy Kareena was watching over him. Kareena, like an ideal mother, was keeping a check on her baby.
Soha Ali Khan-Kunal Kemmu's Daughter Inaaya Kemmu's PICS From London Vacation
Check out the pictures below:
pic credit: Instgram/ Kareena FC
pic credit: Instgram/ Kareena FC
Meanwhile, Taimur is having a great time in the British capital enjoying is holidays with other star-kids- cousin Inaaya, Kainaat. Kareena, on the other hand, is juggling between the London and Mumbai for her professional commitment for her television show, Dance India Dance.
Taimur ali Khan & cousin sister Inaaya Naumi Kemmu enjoy feeding goats with hands, milking fake cows during fun visit to Willows Activity Farm in London