New Delhi : Few days ago, Bollywood diva Deepika Padukone cleared all the airs regarding her engagement with beau Ranveer Singh. Deepika said “I am not pregnant and I am not getting married”, now guess who took this statement on herself.

None other that our Begum jaan, Kareena Kapoor Khan. She thinks that Deepika took this dig at herself and is quite upset about it. According to a source close to Kareena said ‘While it makes sense for Dips to deny her engagement and marriage rumours, which have been doing the rounds, Bebo can’t understand why she denied being pregnant, because no one said she was! Also she is annoyed at that it is being perceived that actresses who are making their family are no longer serious about their careers. She is about to start shoot for her next and that too with baby bump and we all know she will rock it.’

Before this, Kareena Kapoor Khan lashed out at the media saying that ‘“I’m pregnant, not a corpse. And what maternity break? It’s the most normal thing on earth to produce a child.’

Well now whether you Blame her pregnancy hormones or just being extra sensitive, that’s how out Begum is!