New Delhi: For Karan Johar what can be a better occasion than Rakshabadhan to share the first picture of his twins, Yash and Roohi, on social media. It was in March 2017, when one of the most renowned directors of Bollywood, Karan Johar, announced that he had become a father to twins. It is through surrogacy that the filmmaker became a parent.

However, he never stops himself to share his feeling of being a father and reveal how the feeling of nurturing was always in him. He has been on his toes ever since he became a father. Earlier, Johar shared the picture of his two children on social media where in the cute little hands of the twins could be seen.

This time Johar revealed the faces of the 'finest Dharma productions' on social media who are in the arms of their grandmother, Hiroo Johar. Making their debut on social media, the kids are dressed in white onesies with fluffy cheeks and twinkling eyes. Moreover, their grandma's smile is just adding a cherry on the cake making it a cute family picture.

The daddy cool has talked about his two munchkins many times and has shared the joy of being the father. Post their birth, the filmmaker in an emotional statement expressed his ecstatic feeling saying that he feel enormously blessed to be a parent. He said that the two most wonderful additions to his life, his children and lifelines, Roohi and Yash, have been welcomed into this world with the help of the marvels of medical science.