New Delhi: News of Shah Rukh Khan's daughter Suhana Khan and popular "Bigg Boss 13" contestant Asim Riaz's Bollywood debut is doing the rounds on the Internet. Filmmaker Karan Johar, who is known to launch new actors in his films, has reportedly taken up the task to introduce Suhana opposite Asim Riaz in the third installment of 'Student Of The Year' franchise, as per reports. The news has left Asim Riaz's fans excited. The 'Kuch Kuch Hota Hai' director has finally reacted on the same.

Karan Johar took to his social media account today (February 18) and finally revealed that the latest stories related to 'SOTY 3' are not true. He tweeted, "Absolutely baseless stories making the rounds of SOTY3 !!!! My request to everyone publishing this fabrication is to kindly Stop! Please!"

Take a look at his post below;

Mujhse Shaadi Karoge: Paras-Shehnaaz REUNITE With 'Bigg Boss 13' Co-Contestants Sidharth & Rashami (VIDEOS)

The news will surely make Asim Riaz's fans sad.

For the uninitiated, KJo has previously launched Alia Bhatt, Varun Dhawan, Sidharth Malhotra, Ananya Pandey and Tara Sutaria with the "Student Of The Year" franchise.

The filmmaker currently awaits the release of Vicky Kaushal starrer "Bhoot Part One: The Haunted Ship" which is scheduled for February 21.

(With inputs from IANS)