New Delhi: Ace filmmaker Karan Johar has said that he feels "proud and honoured" to be part of a biopic on the life of Kargil War hero Captain Vikram Batra. On the martyr's birth anniversary on Sunday, Karan - who is backing the project under his Dharma Productions banner along with producer Shabbir Boxwala - took to Twitter to share his thoughts about the movie.

"CAPTAIN VIKRAM BATRA'S birth annniversary today! Proud and honoured to tell his story!!!" the 46-year-old posted.

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Karan's 'student' Sidharth Malhotra is essaying the role of the slain Kargil hero. The two have previously worked together in films like 'Student of the Year', 'Ittefaq', 'Kapoor & Sons' and 'Brothers'.

Directed by Vishnu Varadhan, the yet untitled biopic has been written by Sandeep Shrivastava.