Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut, who has been quite vocal about the farmers’ protest, reacted to PM Narendra Modi’s tweet wherein he stated that he received a call from his Canadian counterpart Justin Trudeau. The ‘Panga’ star wrote “Ha ha Ha” while responding to Modi’s post on the micro-blogging site.

In his tweet, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that he and Trudeau discussed topics like supply of COVID-19 vaccines and climate change. Modi on Wednesday assured the Canadian PM that India would ‘do its best’ to provide vaccine supplies as sought by his country.

“Was happy to receive a call from my friend @JustinTrudeau. Assured him that India would do its best to facilitate supplies of COVID vaccines sought by Canada. We also agreed to continue collaborating on other important issues like Climate Change and the global economic recovery,” PM Modi’s tweet read.

Without mentioning much, Kangana posted a tweet after PM Modi received a call from Justin Trudeau.

India has supplied COVID-19 vaccines to 25 countries in February so far. Bhutan and Maldives were among one of the first countries to receive vaccines from India. The Ministry of External Affairs has cleared 24 million doses of COVID-19 to 25 different countries, as a report in Hindustan Times. Canada didn’t feature in the list of nations which received the vaccines from India.

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau had extended support to the farmers’ protest against the farm laws last year. An official spokesperson of the Ministry of External Affairs had called Justin’s comments as ‘unwarranted’.

Also READ: 'Ill-Informed' & 'Unwarranted': India Strongly Responds To Canadian PM Trudeau's Remarks On Farmers' Protest

Talking about Kangana Ranaut, the ‘Queen’ star will be next seen in ‘Dhaadkad’. The film will hit the silver screens on October 1, 2021. She also has ‘Tejas’ and ‘Thalaivi’ in pipeline.