Mumbai: Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut shared a post on Instagram to inform her fans that she has tested positive for COVID-19. The ‘Panga’ star went into quarantine after getting diagnosed with the virus. Writer Apurva Asrani, who worked with Kangana in ‘Simran’, prayed for her speedy recovery. 

Apurva, who had a public fallout with Kangana during the release of ‘Simran’, responded to a news report about her COVID-19 diagnosis on Twitter.  

Also READ: Kangana Ranaut Reacts To FIR Filed Against Her In West Bengal: ‘Monster Mamata, This Is The Beginning Of Your End’

“May this disease & discomfort give you time & space to look within. To examine the hurt & bitterness that you may have unleashed on innocent people, scarring them for life. May all that unresolved pain find its way out of every pore of your being. Get well soon Kangana,” he wrote on the micro-blogging site. 

For the uninitiated, Apurva had expressed his displeasure when the teaser of ‘Simran’ credited Kangana Ranaut as an ‘additional writer’. He accused the ‘Queen’ star of discrediting his work which led to mud-slinging and war of words on social media. 

The actress was credited as ‘additional story and dialogue writer’ in the poster of ‘Simran’. Her name appeared before Asrani’s as ‘story and screenplay’, which didn’t go down well with the writer. 

Earlier in the day, Kangana penned a long note to announce that she has contracted the virus. She called COVID-19 a ‘small-time flu’ which got ‘too much press’. 

The ‘Fashion’ star revealed that she wanted to go to her home state Himachal Pradesh and hence, she underwent a test. The results came out as a positive on Saturday morning.  

“I was feeling tired and weak with slight burning sensation in my eyes for past few days, was hoping to go to Himachal so got my test done yesterday and today the result came I am covid positive. 

I have quarantined myself, I had no idea this virus is having a party in my body, now that I know I will demolish it, people please don’t give anything any power over you, if you are scared it will scare you more, come let’s destroy this Covid -19 it is nothing but a small time flu which got too much press and now psyching few people. Har Har Mahadev,” she wrote. 

Kangana has remained in headlines in the past few days. Twitter suspended her account for violating the 'Hateful conduct' policy after she shared controversial tweets on the alleged post-poll result violence in West Bengal. TMC spokesperson Riju Datta filed a complaint against the 'Manikarnika' star for instigating communal disharmony.

Also READ: Rangoli Chandel Lashes Out At Karan Patel After He Calls Kangana Ranaut 'Most Hilarious Stand Up Comedian'

On the professional front, Ranaut will be next seen in 'Thalaivi'.