New Delhi: Amid the ongoing controversy between the Maharashtra government and Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut, recently the BMC demolished parts of the actress’ Pali Hill bungalow in Mumbai. According to her lawyer, the ‘Manikarnika’ actress suffered an estimated loss of Rs 2 crore as the civic body went on to destroy several expensive artefacts and luxury items inside the building. Reportedly, Kangana also could not hold back her tears after visiting her demolished office.

ALSO READ| Loss Of Rs 2 Cr Suffered By Kangana, Will Ensure Damages Are Recovered: Actress’ Lawyer Tells ABP News

The ‘Tanu Weds Manu Returns’ actress recently took to her Twitter and shared a picture from her childhood days and said ‘no matter how stupid it is, let feelings guide you’. In the picture, the actress can be seen wearing her school uniform and posing for the camera with her friend. Kangana looks adorable wearing a white hairband pairing it with her blue and white uniform.

Her tweet read, “Mind is loud and clever, feelings are naive and subtle in nature, never let your mind dominate your feelings, hold on to that little feeling deep inside your heart buried and pushed away by your logic and fears,hold on to it no matter how stupid or absurd it is,let it guide you”

In another tweet, she wrote that she will work from the ruins of her office as she feels that her demolished office is a symbol of a woman’s will who dared to rise. Kangana tweeted, “I had my office opening on 15th Jan, shortly after corona hit us, like most of us I haven’t worked ever since, don’t have money to renovate it, I will work from those ruins keep that office ravaged as a symbol of a woman’s will that dared to rise in this world #KanganaVsUddhav”

The 'Queen' actress stirred controversy when she alleged that Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut gave her open threat and asked her not to come back to Mumbai. She compared the city with Pakistan occupied Kashmir, which didn't go down well with several political parties including the Shiv Sena, The NCP and the Congress.

ALSO READ| 'Uddhav Thackeray..Tujhe Kya Lagta Hai,' Kangana Ranaut Tears Into Maharashtra CM In Infuriated Response At Demolition Of Her Bandra Property

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