New Delhi: The new release date for the upcoming film 'Mental Hai Kya,' starring actors Kangana Ranaut and Rajkumar Rao in the lead roles, revealed on Wednesday. The filmmakers shared the release date along with a motion poster. "Get ready for craziness that cuts through. Mental Hai Kya - releasing on 21st June 2019," read a post from the official Twitter handle of Balaji Motion Pictures.

In the poster, the actor duo can be seen balancing a sharp razor on their tongues.

Earlier, the film was slated to release on March 29.

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Rao also took to his Instagram handle to announce the release date of the film. “Madness has made its cut! Catch Mental Hai Kya in theatres on 21st June 2019,” he captioned the post.

Take a look at the post below:

The film is directed by National Award-winning filmmaker Prakash Kovelamudi.

'Mental Hai Kya' will be clashing with 'Arjun Reddy' Hindi remake featuring Shahid Kapoor-Kiara Advani in lead roles.