Mumbai: Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut, who will be seen in the role of an Indian Air Force officer in ‘Tejas’, has arrived in Lucknow after wrapping the Moradabad schedule of her highly-anticipated flick. The ‘Queen’ star took to social media to inform her fans that she will meet Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Friday (October 1). Ranaut said that she reached UP’s capital city after wrapping up the film’s schedule in Moradabad.
Kangana shared pictures on her official Instagram handle before meeting Yogi Adityanath. She wrote, “This morning wrapped Moradabad schedule of #Tejas and landed in Lucknow. All set to meet Honourable Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh… Shri Yogi Adityanath ji. Thank you @chettiaralbert @hairbyhaseena for helping me get ready, @rizwan.syed04 for assistance. And special thanks to my Manipuri designer friend @robertnaoremstudio for this gorgeous weave.”
The ‘Panga’ actress thanked her Manipuri designer friend, who designed her white and pink saree. The Pahadi beauty completed her look with diamond earrings.
'Tejas', which is being directed by Sarvesh Mewara, also stars Anshul Chauhan and Varun Mitra. The makers have managed to keep the details about the film under wraps.
Kangana Ranaut’s Upcoming Films
On the professional front, the National Award-winning actress was recently seen in ‘Thalaivii’. The biographical drama, which was directed by A.L. Vijay, released on September 10, 2021. The film is based on the life of former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa.
Kangana has several exciting projects in her kitty including ‘Dhaakad’, ‘Tejas’, ‘The Incarnation: Sita’ and ‘Manikarnika Returns’. The ‘Fashion’ star is also producing a film under home banner. The movie starring Nawazuddin Siddiqui will premiere on a streaming giant.
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