Kangana On Twitter: Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut’s digital team has been very active on social media since the unfortunate death of Sushant Singh Rajput. From calling out Bollywood biggies to demanding CBI investigation for the ‘Sonchiriya’ actor, the actress’ team has actively participated in the journey of seeking justice for SSR. Post noticing the power of social media after the ‘Kedarnath’ actor’s death where the whole world came together to fight for his justice, Kangana Ranaut finally decided to venture into social media.

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On Friday, the ‘Queen’ actress surprised her fans as she released a video revealing to her fans about the news of her joining Twitter. She released the video in Hindi where she can be heard speaking about her reasons to join social media. The ‘Tanu Weds Manu Returns’ actress can be heard saying, “It has been 15 years since I have been working in films. In these years, there have been many occasions when there have been moments of pressure to join social media. Agencies and several brands know that I have let go deals worth crores where there was just one clause that I should be on social media. I have been called a witch (chudail) and people have taken advantage of the fact that I am not on social media. I chose to stay away from social media as I never felt any distance from my audience. I have always felt that if I had to say anything, why should I do so in a rudimentary way; through films I have talked about women empowerment and nationalism. I believed that I would do so in an artistic way. That has been my stance for long. This year, however, I noticed the power of social media. I have seen how the entire world came together to fight for Sushant and have got success, that has truly made me feel positive about things. I am hopeful that if we all get together, we can raise our voice and initiate reforms. That is the reason this month I joined Twitter and I am excited. I want your continued help and association. I am looking forward to this amazing journey where there are so many amazing people. Thank you for this opportunity.”

While sharing the video, Ranaut wrote, “This is for my twitter family’


Post tweeting the video, she also thanked her fans and wrote that it is very heart-warming to see people welcoming her on Twitter as #BollywoodQueenOnTwitter trends on Twitter.

Her tweet read, “So heartwarming to see my friends trend #BollywoodQueenOnTwitter immense gratitude for all the love and warm welcome”


Speaking on the professional front, the actress can be seen portraying the character of J. Jayalalithaa in her upcoming movie ‘Thalaivi’.

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