Shahid Kapoor starrer 'Kabir Singh' brought a storm at the Box Office as well as outside getting criticized allegedly for glorifying toxic masculinity and promoting violence against women. Director Sandeep Reddy Vanga, who also directed original Telugu film 'Arjun Reddy' has been defending his film and the lead character since. Four months after film's release and entry into the highest grossing list of hindi films earning 280 Cr at Box Office, 'Kabir Singh' is back in headlines and not for a good reason. A tik tok star named Ashwani Kumar aka Johnny Dada aka tiktok villain murdered Dubai-based flight attendant Nikita Sharma he was reportedly obsessed with. She was supposed to get married this year itself.

It is said that the alleged murdered Ashwini was a huge 'Kabir Singh' fan and often posted Shahid's dialogues from the film on his tik tok account.

Reportedly, Ashwini killed Nitika after he learnt about her impending wedding in December. Ashwani, who was also wanted in three other murder cases in Uttar Pradesh, committed suicide last week. Police found out about his past crimes while looking into his background.

Ashwani was famous for his angry rants on the video-sharing app.

Now the director of the film, Sandeep Reddy Vanga, has said reacting to the incident "I feel sorry for the girl and her family. It is unfortunate that people have lost their lives. As filmmakers, we are responsible for our craft and need to consider the repercussions, but never have my films [endorsed] killing anyone. Kabir Singh or even Arjun Reddy [the Telugu original] never [supported] murder." Sandeep told Mid-day.

Both Shahid Kapoor and Preeti Sikka's characters were criticized in the film during it's running in the theatres sparking huge debates online.

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