Mumbai: Actor-producer John Abraham, who is excited about his debut Marathi film venture "Savita Damodar Paranjpe", has said regional films always offer better content as compared to Hindi films. John said this on Wednesday while interacting with media here at the trailer launch of "Savita Damodar Paranjpe" along with the film's actor Subhodh Bhave, Raquesh Bapat, Trupti Toradmal, director Swapna Waghmare Joshi and film distributor Kumar Mangat Pathaki. He also said he would love to act in a Marathi film.

"Savita Damodar Paranjpe" will release on August 31.

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"Sometimes... I feel the best content does not come from Hindi film. It always comes from regional cinema, because when you don't have huge unnecessary budgets, you concentrate only on content," he said.

Asked whether he would like to act in a Marathi film, John said: "I would love to do a Marathi film if Subodh (Bhave) trains me well to speak Marathi. I am a Marathi boy and I am proud of it because I was born and brought up in Mumbai."

"I belong to this city. Marathi is our first language and we must speak it more often but unfortunately we don't because we went to Hindi or English medium school so, we speak mostly in English but I am sure that I love to do a Marathi film and if I am being directed by director like Swapna (Waghmare-Joshi), then I could possibly do a decent job."

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Asked if is planning to produce films in other regional languages as well, John said: "I am producing a Malayalam film also. I think it's important to produce different kinds of films because as a producer, you have to make good content and for me, when you work with actors who are working in this film, there is so much you learn."

On Hindi film front, John will be next seen on screen in vigilante action thriller "Satyameva Jayate" which is directed by Milap Milan Zaveri. It also stars Manoj Bajpayee, Aisha Sharma and Amruta Khanvilkar in pivotal roles.

The film is scheduled to be released on 15 August 2018.