New Delhi: In its second week, Shah Rukh Khan's action movie 'Jawan' continues to run strong. The movie earned Rs 369.22 crore at the box office in India during its first week of release in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu. Atlee's film, which has been out for eight days, reportedly earned Rs 16 crore, according to early estimates recorded by
On Friday morning, Manobala Vijaybalan, a film industry analyst, tweeted fresh figures. “Jawan has sold 852631 tickets from tracked shows alone in India on the 8th day. ||#ShahRukhKhan|#Nayanthara|#Jawan|| Hindi Shows - 11403 Gross - ₹ 14.18 cr Tamil Shows - 1007 Gross - ₹ 1.43 cr Telugu Shows - 847 Gross - ₹ 0.96 cr Total - ₹ 16.57 cr,” he wrote.
'Jawan' earned Rs 369.22 crore in its first week in India, of which Rs 327.88 crore came from Hindi releases and Rs 41.55 crore from Tamil and Telugu releases.
The worldwide gross for Jawan has already inching towards Rs 700 crore in addition to the outstanding domestic box office performance.
Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Sanya Malhotra, Priyamani, Deepika Padukone, Ridhi Dogra, and Sanjay Dutt are among the other actors who feature in 'Jawan'. Red Chillies Entertainment, which is owned by Shah Rukh and Gauri Khan, produced it. The movie was released on September 7.
ALSO READ: Sanya Malhotra On Her 'Jawan' Role: I Am A Huge Shah Rukh Khan Fan, I Could Never Have Said No