On the festive occasion of Janmashtami yesterday (24th August), superstar Aamir Khan took to his social media to wish everyone a very happy Janmashtami by sharing an adorable picture a of him and his youngest son Azad Rao Khan along with a video where his son is on his back and marking the full loaded tradition of 'Dahi Handi'.

Aamir, first posted a picture for us to see adorable the father-son looked and much to our delight, soon shared the fun video of Azad and himself. The actor shared a picture with the caption, "Wishing everyone a very happy Janmashtami!"; following the picture, he further shared the video with the caption, “#happyjanmashtami”.

Take a look at his posts below:

PICS: Taimur Ali Khan Breaks Dahi Handi, Celebrates Janmashtami In Style

Janamashtami 2019: Shah Rukh Khan Breaks 'Dahi Handi' As He Celebrates The Festival In Full Spirit!

Aamir Khan looks different in the picture, sporting a beard and looking physically leaner. The superstar is currently preparing his body for his next movie 'Lal Singh Chadda' which is going to be the official remake of the Hollywood classic 'Forrest Gump' and is going to see the superstar donning a very different role, yet again and continue his legacy of unparalleled acting prowess.

The audience is already eagerly looking forward to the film as they will get to see their favourite actor create magic on screen with yet another unique role and prove his title of the most versatile actor of Bollywood!

Written by Atul Kulkarni, the film helmed by Advait Chandan is produced by Viacom18 Studios and Aamir Khan Productions. The movie is slated to hit the theatres during Christmas 2020, next year.