While the elder daughter of Late Sridevi and her filmmaker hubby Boney Kapoor, Janhvi Kapoor, already stepped into Bollywood with Shashank Khaitan's 'Dhadak' that co-starred Shahid Kapoor's brother Ishaan Khatter in male lead opposite her, now younger daughter Khushi Kapoor is also all set to foray into films. While it was believed earlier that Khushi wanted to be a model instead, now Karan Johar reveals that she indeed will make her entry into films no longer that within a year.

Karan Johar revealed this on Neha Dhupia's show 'No Filter Neha' when the stunning host asked him about the star kids who will be launched next year.

Karan replied - "Mizaan is going to be amazing, he is a potential big star and a great dancer. And Khushi perhaps, she is gorgeous and lovely".

While everyone knows about Khushi, Meezaan Jaferi is the son of popular Bollywood actor Javed Jaffrey and who was in news a few months ago for his movie dates and cozy party pictures with Amitabh Bachchan's grand daughter Navya Naveli Nanda.

Navya Naveli Nanda’s cozy picture chilling with Javed Jaffrey’s son Meezaan Jaferi in a party goes VIRAL!

Navya was also spotted at a party with Meezaan and we exclusively shared a picture leaked from the bash in which both are seen standing near each other. They were also spotted hiding their faces during their movie date around the same time when paparazzi flashed cameras at them.

Meezaan Jaferi with father Javed Jaffrey a few years ago (Photo: Web)

Navya Nanda SPOTTED PARTYING with Javed Jaffrey's son Meezaan Jafri, the MYSTERY MAN she went out twice on a movie date with!

While Meezaan doesn't make many public appearances, Khushi on the other hand always makes a mark with her stylish outlook and believed to be a little fashionista already.

Daddy Boney had recently revealed that Khushi does also want to become a B'wood actor like her sister Janhvi. When asked if he motivated Janhvi to become an actress, Boney had told SpotboyE in July inerview, “I wouldn't say that I motivated Janhvi. I encouraged her to let her do what she wants. Why curb someone's natural instincts? Like for one, I didn't know until Salman (Khan) told me that Arjun has it in him to become an actor. On the other hand, my eldest child, Anshula is extremely academically inclined. And Khushi first wanted to become a model- but has now shifted her focus to becoming an actress.''

Are you looking forward to the debuts of Meezaan and Khushi?