New Delhi: For the first time, Bollywood actor Janhvi Kapoor is teaming up with her father Boney Kapoor for a film 'Bombay Girl.' The film which will tell the story of a rebellious teenager will be directed by Ssanjay Tripaathy, produced by Boney along with Mahaveer Jain.
This is for the first time that the daughter-father duo will be seen coming together for a film.
Meanwhile, Janhvi is busy with her upcoming flick 'RoohiAfza' which marks the first collaboration between the newbie and Rajkummar Rao along with 'Fukrey' fame Varun Sharma.
With Hardik Mehta in the director's chair, the movie is being bankrolled by Dinesh Vijan and Mrighdeep Singh Lamba who has written the script with Gautam Mehra.
As per media reports, Janhvi will play a double role in the film and both her characters namely Roohi and Afsana will be contrasting personalities.
She will also be seen in 'The Kargil War', a biopic based on Gunjan Saxena, one of the first female pilots of the country to fly in combat.
Janhvi Kapoor & Father Boney Kapoor To Work Together For 'Bombay Girl'
Updated at:
07 Oct 2019 09:42 PM (IST)
'Dhadak' actress Janhvi Kapoor is set to unite with her father Boney Kapoor for the first time in upcoming film 'Bombay Girl'.
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