Former Jammu & Kashmir Chief Ministers Omar Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti are not allowed to move out of their houses as strict restrictions have been imposed in the Kashmir Valley from early Monday morning. The government has suspended mobile services in Jammu and Srinagar. Schools and colleges have been shut down in Jammu, Reasi, Doda, Kathua, and Udhampur districts and various educational institutions directed their students to vacate hostels. Section 144 under the Code of Criminal Procedure has been imposed in Srinagar as well as Jammu.

There are speculations that the Centre is planning to do away with Article 35A which gives exclusive rights to Jammu & Kashmir residents in jobs, lands among other important things.

After holding high-level talks with PM Narendra Modi and National Security Advisor Ajit Doval, HM Amit Shah is expected to make an important announcement on J&K in parliament at 11 am today.

Now, various Bollywood actors and other celebrities have taken to their social media accounts to react to the ongoing tension in the valley. Take a look at the reactions of Bollywood actors & other celebrities below:

The tensions in the Valley emerged after the Jammu and Kashmir administration scrapped the Amarnath Yatra and asked pilgrims and tourist to leave the state, citing security threats from terrorists backed by the Pakistan Army.

Kashmir has been on the edge in the wake of a massive security build-up and state government's advisory to Amarnath pilgrims and tourists urging them to curtail their visit.

The government said the step to issue an advisory to tourists was taken after it received intelligence inputs about a possible terrorist attack on Amarnath pilgrimage. Governor Satyapal Malik has sought to dispel speculation and asserted that the government was not planning to take any "drastic" step pertaining to the state.

Stay tuned for more updates!

(With inputs from agencies)