New Delhi: With digital platforms gaining popularity, actors are also trying their hand at it. Bollywood actor Jacqueline Fernandez is the latest actor to make her digital debut. The 'Race 3' actor will soon be seen in the upcoming Netflix's thriller 'Mrs Serial Killer'. Announcing the news on her Twitter handle, Jacqueline wrote, "Super stoked to announce my new Netflix India Original film, Mrs Serial Killer is coming soon. This is going to be fun."

Take a look at her tweet below:

Taapsee Pannu wants to learn pole dancing from Judwaa 2 co-star Jacqueline Fernandez!

The thriller will be helmed by Shirish Kunder and produced by wife Farah Khan.

Making the announcement official, Netflix also shared her look from the film and wrote. "Just a very excited PSA that J Jacqueline is officially part of the Netflix fam with Mrs Serial Killer. Here's hoping that if we are ever framed for murder, she's got our back!"

Meanwhile, Jacqueline will next be seen alongside Sushant Singh Rajput in an action thriller film titled 'Drive'.  This is the first time that Sushant will be sharing screen space with Jacqueline.

The film directed by Tarun Mansukhani is slated to hit the big screens on June 28.